
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Law and Order in Civil Society

The laws that govern us in the UK are often used to describe the freedoms that we enjoy. There are no political prisoners (although follows of Julian Assange may disagree), freedom of speech is widely practiced and people can go about their business without fear of persecution. It has not always been this way in the UK, but a succession of investigations, inquiries and laws bought in since the 1980's had bought Britain to this place. Robert Leach describes Law Making as â€Å"ostensibly the most important function of parliament†. (Leach, 2006, P233). Lets start by looking at the law as a whole. The law is essentially to protect its citizens. Law's passed down by the central powers, investigated and enforced by the police and the Judiciary will determine the level of punishment if necessary. Laws don't just ensure that people can't commit murders, robbery or vandalism but will also cover how your employer may treat you and the obligations they have to support you as an employee. Laws will also affect how one companies do business with another and how you drive your car. Law affects us as an individual on a daily basis, not just when we have done something wrong. There are many different variations of law's. International law will affect how nations interact with each other. National law is the law of the land, and can vary widely between states. In the United Kingdom corporal and capital punishment has been removed, but corporal punishment can still be found in some states such as Iran and capital punishment can be found in more developed nations such as the USA and India. In the UK THE National legal system is broken into three; that of England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. National laws will fall into one of two categories again; public & private. (Martin, 2007, p1) Public law will involve the government or the state, and there are three main types of public law; Constitutional Law – covering electoral or democratic issues and disputes; Administrative Law – looking at how the state is allowed to operate; Criminal Law – the application, enforcement and punishment of the individuals who break clearly stated law. (ibid, p2) Private law sees no state involvement, as the disputes are ones of a private matter. This could be an individual who felt that the new television he or she bought was not up to the standard advertised (contract law), a brother and sister trying to settle their late father's will (family law) or a PLC's obligations to their shareholder (company law). There are many more forms of private law and many laws laid down to regulate the state in which we live. (ibid, p3) As we can see, the laws in this country cover many different areas and many different groups. The laws are there to protect the people. Without laws, there would be anarchy. In the early 19th Century an man called John Austin defined law as being a command issued from a superior (the State), to an inferior (the individual) and enforced by sanctions. Some would consider this an inaccurate description as the law (and the State) can be challenged in the 21st Century. (ibid, p9) The Police are the front line force of law enforcement. They are responsible for investigating crimes, gathering evidence and deciding whether to charge a suspect. They play a wide and important role in the overall application of the law. The Police hove powers over suspected criminals that can be used to assist the conviction of the guilty. However, the police have been criticised for abusing their powers, occasionally leading to serious miscarriages of justice as the well know cases of the Guildford 4 and the Birmingham 6 demonstrated, and it was incidents such as these that led to the introduction of PACE. (Elliott, 2010, p384). The Police and Criminal Evidence act 1984 (PACE) was introduced to modernise the power of policed in the UK as a result of an inquiry led by the Royal Commission on Common Procedure (RCCP). PACE provides the code of practice that police forces have to abide by. Failure to comply with PACE can lead to misconduct charges against a police officer. As PACE is a code of practice rather then an Act of Parliament it can be easily amended if necessary. (Malcolm, 2007, p154) The codes cover several areas; Code A deals stop and search powers, Code B gives powers to search premises and seize property, Code C deals with detention treatment and suspect questioning, Code D relates to identification procedures, Code E deals with tape-recording suspect interviews, Code F guides on visual recording with sound interviews, Code G on arrest powers and Code H terrorism suspects under the Terrorism Act (2000). (Martin, 2007, p149). PACE affects every police officer in the country, but police forces in the UK are traditionally run as local police forces. The theory behind having a more decentralised approach was to create links to the community being policed and reduce the risk of Police oppression. A more centralised approach was taken with the Police Magistrates' Courts Act (1994) which allowed the Home Secretary to set objectives for all UK police authorities. The power increased further with the Police Reform Act (2002) and the Home Secretary will now produce an annual National Policing Plan which will set strategic policing policies for Police Forces in England and Wales. (Elliott, 2010, p382) The Bichard inquiry into the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002 was heavily critical of the Humberside police (ibid, p382). Published in June 2004 the inquiry noted that the failings of the Humberside Police were ‘systemic and corporate' (Bichard, 2004, p7). Despite the effects of this report, the Chief Constable of Humberside Police refused to resign. The Home Secretary suspended the Police chief, who challenged the legality of this action. The matter went to court where the Home Secretary's right was upheld. Since the inquiry the Police and Justice Act (2006) has increased the powers of the Home Secretary over the Police. (Elliott, 2010, p382) It is not just the Home Secretary that has powers over the police, but ordinary citizens as well. Should they wish to make a complaint to a police authority then this must be recorded by that police authority. The police must ‘obtain and/or preserve evidence' which is relevant to the complaint. Minor complaints can be dealt with by an acknowledgement of the error and a formal apology. If the complaint is upheld for a serious matter then senior figures form the police force will investigate and take any appropriate disciplinary action. If the complaint relates to a senior officer, the matter will be investigated by a separate police force. (Martin, 2007, p165) The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) exists to supervise the complaints procedure against police officers and staff and will set out and enforce the standards which must be followed. The IPCC also has powers to investigate any serious issues they may discover or that are bought to it's attention (Martin, 2007, p166). This was the case with John Charles De Menezes when his family made a formal complaint in 2005 (IPCC website – accesses 29/12/2010). The IPCC is designed to protect the people form those whose role is to protect the people. Acts such as PACE exist to give clear guidelines as to what a police officer can and can't do, yet there is an inevitable clash with Civil Rights issues In order investigate criminal suspects and criminal activity effectively the Police will need to have powers to stop and search individuals, to enter a person's house and make arrests if they suspect an individual is guilty of a crime. The power to interview and interrogate suspects and hold them in detention if necessary is a vital part of the investigative process. These are indisputable facts, and the power the police have over the individual is great. So what of civil rights? Anyone who is suspected of a crime should be safe in the knowledge that they will not be tortured, beaten or have a false confessions taken from them. (Davies, 2007, p153). In light of events in recent years police may need to prove that a suspect has not been chosen as a suspect because of their race or ethnicity. The BBC documentary â€Å"the Secret Policeman† first aired in October 2003. Film-maker Mark Daley went undercover in a police training camp to find out if the police was an institutionally racist organisation. Despite the reporter finding that this was not the case, there were several instances of clearly racist and bigoted behaviour which was described by the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality as â€Å"truly shocking†. (BBC Website – accessed 29/12/10) Following the documentary ten police officers involved resigned and twelve more were disciplined and three police trainers were removed following a Police Complaints Authority (PCA) investigation, in agreement with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC). The Campaign for Racial Equality launched a formal inquiry and made 125 recommendations for change. (BBC Website – accessed 29/12/10) A topical issue of recent times concerns the policing of demonstrations. On 01 April 2009 Ian Tomlinson was assaulted at the G20 demonstrations in London. Although not a participant of the demonstrations, the Mr Tomlinson was in the area at the time of the protest. Later that day he seemingly died of a heart attack. A short while later, The Guardian released footage showing Mr Tomlinson being violently pushed to the ground by a policeman shortly before he died. A second autopsy alleged that Mr Tomlinson had died of internal injuries. (Elliott, 2010, p416). Allegations of Mr Tomlinson being beaten by police prior to the footage of him being forced to the ground by an officer continue, and a full inquiry will begin on 28th March 2011 (www.iantomlinsonfamilycampaign.org.uk – accessed 05/01/11). The debate between police powers and civil rights will continue over the next few years from 2011. The outcome of miscarriages of justice such as the Guildford 4 and the Birmingham 6 led to the introduction of PACE. The Secret Policeman documentary sprung from the MacPherson report into the murder of Stephen Lawrence which called the police â€Å"institutionally racist†. The death of Ian Tomlinson, as well as the recent clashes between police and demonstrators over university tuition fee's in November and December 2010 and the Police's use of the ‘Kettling' technique, has called into question the policing of demonstrations. With more demonstrations planned for 2011 as well as the results inquiry into the death of Ian Tomlinson, police power and accountability will debated again. The simple truth is that police officers need the rational-legal authority to investigate and prevent criminal action. Without it they could not effectively enforce the law. None the less, civil liberties that many people have fought and died must be protected. Malcolm Davies is right when he says that â€Å"legislation on police powers must balance conflicting needs of crime prevention and due process† (Davies, 2007, p153).

Legal Awareness Is the Need of Hour Essay

Our country is a democratic country as well as a welfare state. â€Å"Rule of Law† is the edifice on which the democratic structure has been built on. â€Å"Rule of Law† means everybody is equal in the eyes of law. In spite of this solemn principle, every day we hear news about instances of atrocities committed against women and children, excesses by law enforcing agencies, harassment of citizens by officials, cheating by seller of goods, exploitation of the weak, stories of discriminations and deprivation in the society besides heinous crimes like rape, murder, looting, etc. In most of the cases the victims accept these suffering silently by ascribing them to fate or are afraid to protest on the grounds of further reprisals. The fact is that many times people are not aware of the law and the rights such laws confer for their protection. The Directive Principles of the constitution lays down the guidelines for the welfare of the socially and economically neglected section of the society. A number of laws have been enacted to contribute to the welfare of the socially and economically downtrodden population of the society. However, the benefits of these provisions are not reaped by them due to lack of awareness about the same. Every country has prescribed Rights and Duties for its Citizen. The Citizens need to be aware about their Rights, the related legal provisions and processes. Coupled with this knowledge, they are also required to know how to realize their rights and entitlements. On the reverse side, there are certain duties and prohibitions which are cast upon people and that need to be observed so that they do not transcend the barriers and get into trouble for the same. The lack of legal awareness is not, unfortunately, confined to illiterates. Even educated person are often not aware about their Rights and Duties. A country can progress only when all its citizens are well aware of their Rights and know to exercise their Rights. This empowers citizens to demand justice and seek remedies for wrong done to them. Such a position would bring greater harmony, accountability and transparency at all levels which is sine-qua-non for progress and development. The examples of Europe and USA are noteworthy in this respect. They present a picture of a more just society than many of the developing countries in the world. The Constitution of India has outlined the Fundamental Rights of Citizens under Part III of our Constitution. Similarly, the Duties of the Citizen have been enshrined therein. Any violation/deprivation of the same can be enforced through High Court/Supreme Court under Art 32 and Art 226 of the Constitution. Natural justice provides that no person can be coerced into giving evidence against him. It is in this background Supreme Court of India has ruled that ‘Narco Analysis’, ‘Brain Mapping’, ‘Polygraph Testing’ tantamount of self incrimination and violation of Section 20(3), in the case of Smt. Selvi and others v. State of Karnataka, AIR 2010 Educated and uneducated citizen are often not aware about the process relating to arrest by police. Before arresting somebody, police has to show the warrant, if the offence is bail able or not. Any person arrested has to produce before a magistrate within 24 hours. Before conducting a search in somebody’s house search warrant has to be given. In case relating to seizure of Passport of Maneka Gandhi, the court observed that such station Action cannot be arbitrary and the reasons of seizure need to be given to the concerned person. A host of laws have been enacted for the welfare and exercise of positive discrimination in favor of the neglected section of the society. For example-: Hindu Marriage Act, Untouchablity Act, Dowry Act, Engagement of Child Labor, Child Marriage Act, Domestic Violence Act, Consumer Protection Act. For expeditious disposal of the grievances of citizen’s, legal institutions like Lok Adalats, Family Courts, Mahila Courts, Consumer Courts, Ombudsman, District Legal Service Authority, etc have been created. These institutions have been established on the basis of dictum â€Å"Justice delayed is Justice denied† For the progress of the country where everybody lives in harmony with others, ensuring a just society there is an urgent need for spreading legal awareness amongst people. The idea behind spread of legal information is that people are empowered before the need to seek Legal Aid arises and if the need for legal aid does arise then at least the people armed with newly acquired legal information can use the information in the best possible way. In order to promote the legal awareness following step should be taken-: †¢Increase in the literacy rate in the country. In our own country also because of high literacy rates people from Kerala are more conscious about their legal rights than other states. †¢Societies like ‘SEWA’, ‘MARG’, ‘ICARE’, ‘CRY’, etc have been doing a pioneering work in creating legal awareness among people. Such work needs to be encouraged. If other governmental an non-governmental organizations come up with such ideas then making people aware of their rights and duties and delivering justice would not be a difficult task. †¢Legal classes can be held in schools and colleges, with the aim of training the student also in turn can spread the same to their parents and friends. Particularly, women and girls can be enlightened on various legal protections and procedures to approach Police Station and courts for protection of their rights and obtain remedy for their problems. †¢Along with the legal acts, people need to be sensitized about various welfare schemes of the Government, functioning of the Legal Service Authority, the enacted provisions regarding free legal aid and services. Legal reforms which are long overdue in our country should be expedited. This would enable the judicial system to cut away lot of practices and procedures which delay the process of administration of justice. Most of the laws in our country owe their origin to colonial days and need to be reframed and simplified. The mind set for formulation of laws couched in legal jargons, clauses, sub-clauses not easily understood by the citizens has to change. Laws outlined in simpler terms can be easily comprehended by common people and would contribute towards enhancing legal awareness among citizens. Economically, India is having a sustained growth. The country is on the threshold of a developed country, an elevation from the status of a developing economy. In this scenario, the need for legal awareness amongst the citizen is very much necessary. With citizens conversant with their rights and duties, the presence of justice and fair play in the society, transparency, accountability would enabl e the country to make bigger strides in this economic development. Being a democracy is an advantage in this regard.

Friday, August 30, 2019

History of Western Civilization Essay

An outstanding single event that happened in history during the ancient period was the development of the alphabet in Egypt around 2800 BC. This was in the form of hieroglyphics, which was the writing system devised by the Egyptians in order to improve their communication processes. The symbols developed by the hieroglyphics represented important messages and information that helped to clearly improve the way of living of the Egyptian people. Although the hieroglyphics are not used anymore today as part of the modern alphabet, it clearly became the basis for the establishment of the English, Greek and Latin alphabets that were further developed by people that lived during the Western civilizations. It was through the hieroglyphics that the concepts of vowels and consonants evolved, and the improved alphabets were effectively merged with different Western languages that enabled them to use better methods of communication (Budge, 2009). The legacy that the establishment of hieroglyphics has left to the modern era is the gift of improved written communication. With a recognized set of alphabet, people at present have been able to effectively express their ideas and sentiments through various forms of written communication. With the emergence of various technologies like mobile phones and computers, written communication has even become easier and able to reach people from various parts of the globe. Thus, people are given the opportunity to effectively convey their messages to one another by using a common alphabet and language system that they can understand, preventing unnecessary conflicts or misunderstandings that could potentially happen along the process of communication. The establishment of the Oxford University in 1249 is another outstanding single event that deserves consideration. Oxford University is one of the first academic institutions that were established all over the world, and it is already one of the oldest at present. The various religious sects in England had the initiative to establish an academic institution where the people can be able to get formal learning and improve their knowledge and understanding about various subject matters. Because of the massive influences of the medieval, renaissance and early Industrial Revolution periods, even the people from Western civilizations traveled to Europe and aimed to study at Oxford University where the best teachers all over the world can be found (Feingold, 2010). Music, religion, politics, science and law were the common subjects being taught at Oxford University, and the students returned to their respective countries bringing along with them the knowledge that they learned and applying them into the society. The legacy that the establishment of Oxford University has left to the modern era is that it provided the inspiration for the Western and Eastern worlds to make education of people a top priority. The significant intellectual improvements of students that studied at Oxford University paved the way for the foundation of many other universities all over the world. For example, America was able to establish its first university, Harvard, in 1636. It became clear for people that they had to get formal education in various schools and universities for them to be able to maximize their skills and capabilities and be able to become productive citizens and contribute positively to society. An outstanding individual during the ancient period was Plato. Originating from Greece, Plato’s ideas undoubtedly helped to shape the Western philosophy. His ideas on Platonic realism, theory of forms and the definition of knowledge helped to educate the people and made them think about their own perspectives about these matters. Plato also founded the Academy, an academic institution that was meant to help people to have a better knowledge and understanding about things that they were interested about. Perhaps the best contribution of Plato for the Western civilizations was his ideas on the ideal state. He believed that in order for the state to be able to function effectively, the society had to be properly organized into people that will lead, people that will serve, and people that will give recommendations and advice (Taylor, 2001). These people have to be able to work harmoniously so that the state can attain peace and progress in a sustainable manner. Plato also reminded that the people also had to make certain sacrifices whenever necessary so that the state can be able to stand strong and repulse any attempts from its enemies to destroy it. All these ideas of Plato have surely left a lasting legacy in the modern era as most governments still make use of his ideas on the ideal state to be able to guide them in the process of leadership and governance. His philosophical ideas are still being taught and debated in various academic institutions and have paved the way for people to appreciate Plato’s intellectual brilliance especially during his time where so many people were aspiring to make a huge difference in society. Another outstanding individual that lived during the Renaissance-early Industrial Revolution periods was Niccolo Machiavelli. Originating from Italy, Machiavelli’s contributions to Western civilization were mainly rooted on political science. Known for his courage and boldness in citing his opinions on various political matters, Machiavelli is well recognized for his unique ideas that even became the inspiration of other philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Leo Strauss. Perhaps the best contribution of Niccolo Machiavelli was his masterpiece entitled The Prince. This book expressed Machiavelli’s ideas regarding a more deliberate and forceful transfer of power. He believed that when the leader of the state was not performing his roles and responsibilities, the people need not to wait for the leader to step down (Ford, 2005). Machiavelli mentioned that the people can be empowered to forcefully expel the leader of the state from his position and choose the best and most suitable leader as the replacement. He thought that this was a necessary evil in order to restore balance and orderliness in the society instead of the people doing nothing and allowing the ineffective and corrupt leader to continue to stay in power and eventually become stronger in time. Thus, these ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli paved the way for the establishment of the people empowerment concept, which is his legacy for the modern era. Although people at present do not really aim to kill their incompetent leaders or incite chaos to demonstrate their discontent, they use the ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli as their inspiration to have the courage to stand up and make their voices of displeasure be heard.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Leaders in the making of Americas Revolution and Goverment Essay

Leaders in the making of Americas Revolution and Goverment - Essay Example One of the main causes that initiated the revolutionary war was the geographic distance that separated the colonies from Great Britain (Countryman 5). Many colonists migrated from Great Britain to gain independence and to seek their own personal freedoms that the King George III clearly neglected (Countryman 10). The desire to colonize the new world generally meant more liberation and strong urgency of independence. Another root cause the American Revolutionary War was the colonial legislatures that were enacted by the King (Countryman 13). The enactment of these laws meant that that the colonies continued to be pass laws and pay taxes to atone the sins of the Great Britain. Tom Paine’s in his literary work the â€Å"common sense† described King George as a â€Å"royal brute.† King George III can be considered an â€Å"unfit leader† in many aspects. First and foremost is the fact that he used the colonist’s tax money to fund his poor decisions as a King but also to pay for his son’s misfortunes. In essence, he utilized the tax money to fund another of his son’s illegal marriage (Brooks 45). Furthermore, he continued to useless acts such as the sugar and stamp act to fund his useless ventures. George III is often accused of consistently trying to keep Great Britain at war with America, despite the opinion of his cabinet. According to his perspective, the King wanted to "keep the rebels harassed, anxious, and poor, until the day when, by a natural and inevitable process, discontent and disappointment were converted into penitence and remorse"(â€Å"Boston Tea Party Facts†). King George III clearly had a safety net to protect himself when he was in trouble. In order to fund his financial burdens, the King would impose illogical taxes to the colonists. The colonists saw this as an oppression towards their liberty as their hard work was subjected to pointless tariffs (Brooks 26). Clearly, King George III was no t as noble as he seemed. He refuted to abolish slavery in the colonies and imposed his personal will at every given point (Brooks 22). The King dissolved many of the legislations that the colonies demanded. Undoubtedly, he would not allow new legislations to be enacted, which created an unsecure atmosphere with an unstable government that the colonists could not afford to possess. Lastly, the root cause of American Revolutionary was due to the salutary neglect that the colonists had to face. Salutary Neglect was an accumulation of different policies that the Great Britain implemented during the eighteenth century, which comprised of a relaxed and indifferent enforcement of the Navigation Acts in the colonies (Murray 15). Although the British had a strict policy in mercantilism, the British Prime Minister had no problem enforcing salutary neglect (Murray 15). From the King’s perspective, salutary neglect deemed necessary in order to mitigate the risk of a revolution and mainta ining his power in the throne (Murray 20). In addition, enforcing salutary neglect would no doubt diminish any chance of stimulating the economy of the colonies. As an effect of flaring tensions between the colonies and the new tariffs that were levied by the highness himself, many American leaders began to adopt Liberal and Republican ideals (Murray 55). John Locke, the famous historian, was a key figure who influenced the American leaders to adopt to the â€Å"

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Assignment2 hlth3220 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment2 hlth3220 - Assignment Example However, this kind of analysis could also be used in one’s personal perspective as an self-assessment tool to determine personal strengths and competencies; any perceived weaknesses; as well as externa factors that offer opportunties or pose threats to the accomplishment of personal and professional goals. In this regard, the current discourse hereby aims to present the results of one’s SWOT analysis and to take three or four interesting points about the activity and to compare and contrast the findings/results of one’s analysis, as required. ... e or gregarious; Manifests tendencies to be an average achiever; despite knowing that one could still surpass the current level of accomplishments; Very family oriented. Opportunities: Sees one to excel in various endeavors after completion of the academic program being pursued; Establishment of good circle of friends could be potential sources of future employment opportunities; Proficiency in communication could be used as potential sources of livelihood; either in customer service or in professional writing endeavors; Future growth rates in the field of endeavor being pursued poses greater opportunities to land in diverse jobs of interest and which offers appropriate compensation and benefits. Threats: Any changes or fluctuations in economic condition of the country could significantly impact employment opportunities; The increasing number of graduates (new or old) who graduated and pursued similar profession and field of endeavor could restrict opportunities to gain future employ ment; Contemporary organizations’ thrusts for globalization pose both opportunities and threats in terms of expanding sources of talents from international shores; and at the same time, poses chances to go abroad. However, if the international market is pursued, there are still threats in terms of the need to address competencies in cultural diversity; Interesting Points An interesting point of undertaking the SWOT analysis was the opportunity it accorded to closely evaluate one’s strengths and weaknesses. It provided the chance to appreciate and recognize that there have been some competencies, knowledge, skills and talents that were not appropriately realized, until now. For instance, the strength that one possesses in terms of time management assists in maintaining a balance between

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What is the difference between positive economic analysis and Essay

What is the difference between positive economic analysis and normative economic analysis Give one example each of positive and normative economic issue or question or statement - Essay Example Data collection and analysis is used to assert the validity of the statement by backing up the claim made using facts. For example, inflation rate in the economy can be said to be 6%. This statement presents a fact that can actually be proven by evaluating price changes in the economy over a given period of time. In this analysis, claims made by normative statements and/or theories cannot be neither be tested nor empirically proven. Normative statements in most cases employ factual information to make economic claims, but the statements by themselves are not factual. They are therefore logical claims but lack evidence. Normative analysis encompasses high value judgment and personal beliefs. In this regard, they are hard to falsify or verify. People who make normative statements basically present their own opinions, based on their morals and standards of life (Mukherjee 19). Unemployment is better compared to inflation is an example of a normative statement. This statement has no basis of being tested. Therefore, it cannot be empirically

Monday, August 26, 2019

Terrorism Attack in southern Beirut Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Terrorism Attack in southern Beirut - Essay Example The Muslim communities are out to attack Christians, and they believe that Christians are their number one enemy. Whenever a terror attack occurs, they claim responsibility and are happy about it. They refer to the fellow Muslims, who refuse to support their act as traitors and they purpose to kill them (Levitt 67). Of all the attack that are recorded, the Garissa killing of students, the Beirut killing and the Paris killing, the Muslim groups claims responsibility. They usually give warning before the attack but the governments have been so reluctant until the make it real. Most of the civil wars in Syria and Iran are just based on the Muslim belief. There are lots of advert taking the advantage of the situation, CCTV and car tracker are on the advert.The newspaper shows pictures of destroyed properties, and men and women are stranded about their business. It had not taken long since the ISIS claimed an attack of civilian during the Syrian war. The paper shows the emotional pictures of Muslim mourners who have lost their relatives in the attack. From the photos, it is clear to note that the incident left people in shock as it was never expected. The crime scene was protected with anti-terror officials some of whom were defeated on what to do. The news records a mixed reaction as some people feel that the incident that has just occurred for the first time is given much attention as compared to other attacks in other places (Levitt 67). The news shows that the government had already had the information about the attack.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Penguin And Random House Sign Merger Deal Term Paper

Penguin And Random House Sign Merger Deal - Term Paper Example Penguin had revolutionised the publishing industry during the 1930s when it introduced inexpensive and high quality paperbacks. They were sold through various street stores like Woolworths (Penguin Books, 2012). Pearson Plc., which is a global media organisation, is the owner of Penguin Group. Apart from Penguin, Financial Times and Pearson are also included as different business segments of Pearson Plc. It is headquartered at London and was founded in the year 1844 (Yahoo Finance, 2012a). On the other hand, Random House is a privately owned digital publishing house. Various imprints and publishing groups are run by the company worldwide. Random House is actually a subsidiary company of Bertelsmann AG. The company operates its business in various geographical regions of the world like Europe, America, South Africa, and Asia Pacific. The company is headquartered at New York, United States and its employee strength is around 5,343 (Bertelsmann AG, 2012a). The present study entails abou t the detailed analysis of the merger decision between the two global leaders in the books publishing industry, Penguin and Random House. ... also provides financial and business news, analysis, comments and data. Pearson Plc. operates its business activities worldwide through five different business segments. Penguin is one of those five business segments operated by Pearson Plc. Penguin group is responsible for publishing around 4,000 non-fiction and fiction books every year. The books are offered to the consumers in different formats like on screens, paper, and even in audio formats and are meant for readers of all age groups. The range of front list and backlist titles of Penguin group is huge and includes classics, children, literary prize winners, and reference volumes titles. Its business operations are carried out worldwide with the help of many publishing houses located in different nations of the world. Penguin group publishes under some of the reputed imprints of the world like Putnam, Allen Lane, Viking, Berkley, Ladybird, Puffin, Dorling Kindersley, and Harmish Hamilton (Pearson plc, 2012). On the other hand, Random House is a US based multinational organisation which is engaged in the business of publishing general trade books in English language. On an average around 10,000 paperbacks, electronic and audio books are published by Random House annually and they come in 15 different local languages of various countries worldwide. It has been estimated that around 400 million books are sold by the company every year. It is one of the wholly owned subsidiary company of Bertelsmann AG. The imprints of the Random House Publishing Group of Bertelsmann AG includes Bantam, Dell, Delacorte, Ballantine books, Trade Paperbacks of Random House, One World, The Modern Library, Presidio Press, Triumph books, Spiegel, Spectra, Villard Books, and Grau. Ballantine Books is considered to be one of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Step Motor Driver For Full Step, Half Step Excitation Mode Lab Report

Step Motor Driver For Full Step, Half Step Excitation Mode - Lab Report Example For a bipolar motor, an external device referred to as an H-Bridge can be used to reverse the polarity of the winding and thus the flux. An H-Bridge can also drive a unipolar motor by not connecting the center tap (common) lead or use only one of the windings in the pair. Using the given state machine states and truth tables, the driver circuits for all the three modes of stepper motor excitation were designed and simulated. The following are the diagrams showing the truth table and state machine states with actual motor motion in this design, the no load or constant load accuracy of a 7.5 degree/step motor is within 0.5% noncumulative. It simply implies that the positioning error is the same whether the rotational movement is one step or 1000 steps. Since the step error is noncumulative, it averages itself out to zero within a 4-step sequence, which corresponds to 360 electrical degrees. This causes the transistor collector/emitter junction to conduct. When transistors Q1 and Q3 on, the current flows through the motor coil in the forward or + direction. However, when Q2 and Q4 on, the current to flows through the motor coil in the reverse direction. In the experiment, only half step truth table was presented. However, if you compare the half step and full step tables, it's noticed that all of the full step sequences appear in the half step table, even though not in the same order. This information was useful in the circuit design, especially when writing the codes for the microcontroller.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Zara Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zara Business - Essay Example From there it expanded into 79 countries with 1,830 stores all across Asia, Europe, Africa and America (Qureshi, Store Wars: Zara and Mango, 2012).Its main focus has always been creativity, quality of design and rapid response time. Zara’s main target customers have always been young, price-conscious people who are very sensitive to latest fashion trends. According to the article ‘Analyzing Zara’s Business model’ its product line is divided in to 60% for women, 25% for men and 15% fast growing children (Analysing Zara’s business model , 2011). Main customers of Zara are middle class urban women for whom fashion means everything. The customers of this particular brand wants trendy, fashionable and unique outfits at an affordable price and up to date with the new up coming fashion trends. Another unique characteristic of this particular brand is that they take very less time in identifying and bringing their products to shelves that is with in 30 days where as others may take around 3-4 months (Analysing Zara’s business model , 2011). This is possible mainly due to their control on garment supply chain from design to retail unlike many other competitive stores. It is possible as most of the manufacturing is being done in-house. 50% of the products are produced in house where as 46% are framed out into ready to cut pieces (Roux, 2002) Zara’s core mission has always been a blend of creative, quality and rapid response to market demands. To achieve this a business model was framed that depended on two main points. One being quick response to changing fashion and second being involvement of employees at a large scale. For instance a store manager could decide which clothes to put on sale in that particular store according to the response of customers shopping there. The vaiety of clothing also becomes a main selling point of the brand. In the article Reign of Spain the author talks about how a model never stays in the s hop for more than four weeks. This increases the visists of the customers, for Zara’s its 17 times a year where as for other similar competitive stores its only 3 to 4 times a year (Roux, 2002). In around four to five weeks new collections are available. It’s designer team comprises of around 2 thousand designers which produce 12,000 models each year for sale which are designed kept in mind customer preferences, wishes and demands. Since every four weeks the stores are hit by new models the quantity produced of each model is very less making it a unique piece which makes customers rush to stores to grab them before they run out this has made its customers in to serious impulse buyers. Unlike other brands Zara spends very less on advertisement which is around 0.3% of its total revenue unlike other competitors which spend around 3-4%. Instead they spend heavily on their stores which are located in prime locations of cities. The complany is built upon a vertically integra ted demand and supply chain while most textile chains rely on outsourcing and cheap labor in China. Vertically integrated are companies that are linked together by a single owner it gives Zara a greater control over the whole process from manufacture to retail which helps it fulfill its main idea of its business plan which is to respond quickly to demands and fashion trends. The operational cycle of Zara includes three main basic steps ordering, fulfillment and design and manufacturing. Each store places order twice a week to headquarters to replenish items and for new stocks. These orders are sent to stores in two days. The design and manufacturing goes throughout the year. New models are continously hitting stores unlike other competitive firms that lauch collections for just summer, spring, fall and winter. Another competitive

There is a real danger of a house price bubble in London. Discuss Essay - 7

There is a real danger of a house price bubble in London. Discuss - Essay Example ntly the property prices in London have gone up way too high; too high for investors to believe that there is a very high danger of a housing price bubble within London. This essay seeks to present a case for the high level of risk associated with housing prices in London, and it does so by backing up the case with substantial evidence. The property bubble in London is real, and investors need to exercise caution if they want to come out safe from this scenario. Looking at media reports makes one thing very clear – the property prices in London have touched their four year low by the end of 2014. This can be linked to the very basic principle of demand and supply like mentioned above. According to a survey of property agents and surveyors dealing in London based property, there a wide consensus amongst market makers that property value in London is likely to follow its downward trajectory as demand for housing falls has gone down, coupled with new projects being announced by builders, thus resulting in a very low volume of transactions (Edwards, 2014). The high probability of a housing price bubble in London also emanates from the fact that many property holders in London have all of a sudden found their property values going up multi folds. This has made them put their property out in the market for sale and realize profits, as they move to live in county areas. Also, there is a wide believe amongst these investors that the current prices in London are far too high, and the market can crash anytime and therefore it is best to realize profits rather than being a part of the loss themselves as the market witnesses a correction (Bracke, 2014). Besides the information mentioned above, a few other facts also prove the existence of a property bubble in London. The house price to earnings ratio computed by the famous mortgage lender, Halifax, shows how many times or what multiple of house prices are made up income of buyers. It is rather shocking to note that the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing Strategy and Economic Changes Essay Example for Free

Marketing Strategy and Economic Changes Essay Marketing Strategy and Economic Changes Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many organizations and business entities have developed and expanded their operations across the world as a result of the great developments which have been experienced in various economies across the world. One of the major issues that have contributed to the growth of organization is their strategies in marketing their products and services so that the consumers are aware of what they are offering. Marketing strategies when implemented properly often bring good returns to a company in terms of increased market share, increased sales as well as increase in the profitability(Larson, 2011).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Failure of a company to have effective marketing strategy can result in failure and collapse of the business since the company is not able to promote its products and influence the purchasing behaviour of the consumers (Parker, 2011). It is important that an organization should formulate a marketing strategy that will enable it realize its objectives and goals in the short and long run. However, there are changes in the economy which may affect the marketing strategies which an organization applies for its products so that it can be able to stay in the market. Economic issues such recession and depression in the economy may force a company or an organization to change the strategies and adopt new ones that will not affect the company negatively. Nike Inc is a multinational organization that deals in sportswear in terms of clothes as well as shoes for all groups of people(Nike: The Future Of Marketing, 2012). Nike Inc   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nike Inc is a worldwide known brand of sportswear designer, manufacturer as well as distributor and seller across the world. The company is known to produce one of the top quality brands of products that are used across different sports in the world. The company has been in the forefront in ensuring that its marketing strategies are effective and capture the market as well as help it stay on top of the competition(Zakrevskaya, Mastracci, 2013). The marketing strategies which the company has been using include brand promotion and commercials with the endorsement of famous celebrities in the sports field. The company uses successful sports professionals, college teams as well as celebrities who they sponsor using their products(Nike: The Future Of Marketing, 2012).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the successful sports professional such as Michael Jordan are seen by consumers to use the products of the company, there are high chances that the consumers will be influenced to purchase the products since someone that is successful has recommended them and also makes use of them(Larson, 2011). This marketing strategy of using celebrities and successful sports persons builds the notion in consumers that they too can have the same experience as the sports persons that use the same products and also show their association with the persons of their choice. The company has also made use of marketing segmentation as part of its marketing strategy. Nike Inc has majority of the sportsmen as its consumers (Nike: The Future Of Marketing, 2012).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, changes in the global economy can have negative impacts and influence the marketing strategies of the company. As mentioned earlier, economic factors such as the occurrence of recession, as well as depression are some of the economic factors which can influence and impact the marketing strategies of the company(DATAMONITOR: NIKE, Inc., 2012). The impacts of the economic changes can be analysed in terms of the effect on the competitive advantage of the company, targeting, market segmentation as well as positioning in addition to branding of products. Impacts of Economic Changes Competitive Advantage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Economic recession and depression are the major economic changes that can greatly affect the marketing strategies that Nike Inc applies. During the economic recession and depression, it means that there is less supply of cash and that people do not have enough to sustain their normal purchasingbehaviour(Zakrevskaya, Mastracci, 2013). The products that Nike Inc offers to the consumers, especially the sportsmen are often of high price. Recession and depression will mean that the company will have to look for new marketing strategies which can still help sustain its profitability. Sponsoring of the sportsmen is the primary marketing strategy which the company has used for many years and has been seen to be effective (OnurTaÅŸ, CunedioÄŸlu, 2014).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Therefore, during recession and depression, Nike Inc will be forced to forgo some of the sponsorships since it will not be able to sustain the sponsorships which are often free to the athletes in return for the athletes wearing the brands of the company(DATAMONITOR: NIKE, Inc., 2012). The company would want to reduce its costs in sponsoring during the recessions and depression since many people at this time do not have enough funds to spare which they can spend on high-end products such as those of Nike. Companies that produce substitute products which are cheaper will have an added advantage compared to Nike (Groucutt, Forsyth, Leadley, 2004). Consumers would want to purchase less of the high-end products hence accusing Nike Inc to lose its competitive advantage to the competitors that offer cheaper products. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nike Inc is a well-known brand and often uses marketing segmentation as a way of promoting is products. The market segment that the company has engaged in is the sportsmen segment in the market (DATAMONITOR: NIKE, Inc., 2012). The primary target has been athletes and people that engage in sporting activities across the world from different age groups. This means that the company relies heavily on sports to promote and sell its products. Therefore, when there is economic recession and depression, the company may want to adapt a new market segment, that of those that are not involved in sports(OnurTaÅŸ, CunedioÄŸlu, 2014). However, the marketing segmentation and targeting of the non-sporting groups will mean that the company has to adjust the pricing of its products.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Furthermore, the targeting strategy of the company will be affected negatively since it will need to change from just sponsorship of the sportsmen but also to check on diversity of its products. Under positioning in the market, Nike Inc has been able to position itself strategically across the globe in many countries(Zakrevskaya, Mastracci, 2013). The company operates in different countries hence has a global presence which is good for the company. The economic recession and depression will not have a major impact on the positioning of the company as it already has a global presence. However, it may have to look at other markets that are developing where the market may not be greatly affected by the changes in the global economy(MacEwan, Miller, 2011). Branding   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other aspect of marketing strategy that may be affected by the negative economic changes in the global economy is branding. Nike Inc has been observed to have a strong brand that commands a huge market share as compared to other competitors(Lee, Ha, 2012). The branding of the company’s product will not be affected since the company has a fully established brand that is well known and has a great market share in sports. Impact on Consumer Behaviour   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Changes in the global economy, especially issues such as recession and depression in the economy will have an impact on the consumer behaviour and how they make their purchasing decisions; especially regarding the products of Nike Inc(MacEwan, Miller, 2011). Consumers depend on their income to purchase products and when the global economy faces issue such as recession and depression, their income is likely to be affected. Therefore, the consumers in this case will shy away from high-end products since they are expensive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the law of demand, when the price of an item is high, there are chances that the demand may decline. Income is a determinant factor hence the purchasing behaviour of the consumers will change with consumers seeking for more urgent needs such as food and clothing and other needs instead of spending their money on sportswear (Zakrevskaya, Mastracci, 2013). Therefore, Nike will be forced to seek alternative marketing strategy which will still appeal to the consumers such as offering of discounts and providing affordable products. Consumers during recession and depression will often seek for substitute products that can still function the same way as the primary product hence they will opt to purchase other types of clothing that can still perform the functions of Nike products. Growth Opportunities   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The global economy is constantly experiencing growth which continues to create opportunities for many companies in the world, Nike Inc included, to grow and expand on their business. Nike Inc has potential for growth in various areas based on the technological developments which have continued to increase innovation and creativity (MacEwan, Miller, 2011). Furthermore, the many policies in various countries on business have been changed to open up borders for international trade in various countries across the world which means an increase in the potential market for the products of the company. The growth opportunities that the company has include the growing global market for footwear as well as the growing opportunity in online retail. Global footwear market   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Over the recent years, there has been tremendous growth that has been experienced in the global market on footwear which provides Nike with an excellent opportunity to grow its business (NIKE, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 2014). The company has a strong brand portfolio as well as strong marketing strategies which if properly managed will enhance the business. As mentioned, there has been a lot of reduction in trade barriers in many countries across the world through trade treaties which have opened up new markets especially bin developing countries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The global market for footwear has grown over the years and in the year 2012; the revenue generated amounted to about $256.6 billion. The European markets as well as the Asian markets have also experienced growth over the years which provide a great opportunity for the growth of the company (Lee, Ha, 2012). The global footwear market is poised to grow a lot and hence Nike should take up the opportunity since there is a growing demand among consumers for footwear products that are comfortable. Online Retail   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The other growth opportunity that Nike Inc has is online retailing. Over the years, there has been a growing trend among consumers to make purchases online as a result of the technological as well as the development of the internet(NIKE, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 2014). Consumers over the recent past have been seen to prefer online purchasing which they consider to be affordable, efficient as well as convenient. Therefore, Nike Inc, through its website and creation of an online store for its products, can growth in the future (Larson, 2011). References DATAMONITOR: NIKE, Inc. (2012). NIKE, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 1-10. Groucutt, J., Forsyth, P., Leadley, P. (2004).Marketing: Essential principles, new realities. London [u.a.: Kogan Page. Larson, D. (2011). Global Brand Management Nikes Global Brand.ISM Journal OfInternational Business, 1(3), 1-14. Lee, K., Ha, I. â€Å".(2012). Exploring the Impacts of Key Economic Indicators and Economic Recessions in the Restaurant Industry.Journal Of Hospitality Marketing Management, 21(3), 330-343 MacEwan, A., Miller, J. A. (2011).Economic collapse, economic change: Getting to the roots of the crisis. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe. NIKE, Inc. SWOT Analysis. (2014). NIKE, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 1-8. Nike: The Future Of Marketing. (2012). Marketing (00253650), 28. OnurTaÅŸ, B. K., CunedioÄŸlu, H. E. (2014). HOW CAN RECESSIONS BE BROUGHT TO AN END? EFFECTS OF MACROECONOMIC POLICY ACTIONS ON DURATIONS OF RECESSIONS.Journal Of Applied Economics, 17(1), 179-198. Parker, J. A. (2011).On Measuring the Effects of Fiscal Policy in Recessions.Journal OfEconomic Literature, 49(3), 703-718. Zakrevskaya, O., Mastracci, S. (2013). Differential Effects of the Great Recession by Household Type.Challenge (05775132), 56(6), 87-114. Source document

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Human Rights and Business Ethics

Human Rights and Business Ethics The interest of corporate organisations in human rights has increased over the years due to the criticism and concerns over the use of child labour, low wages, female discrimination and abuse factories. Incorporating values and ethics into any business has become very important to corporate organisations, government, and the public in general. As the world becomes ever smaller as a result of globalization, there has been an increase in the movement of labour, knowledge and technology from country to country. This has lead to companies setting up factories in countries with cheap labour and very poor human right laws so they can meet the demand for their product. Government of these poor countries have been forced to dance to the tune of large business. Business ethic emerged as a result of the abuse of human rights and because of the need for corporate organisation to be more ethical and humane in doing business. This has come to the fore front in recent time with the media keeping a constant look out for corporate organisations that abuse or refuse to up hold their social responsibilities in any way. As a result of this organisations now pay more attention to business ethic education and training in order to meet this ever growing ethical responsibility. The growth and development of businesses worldwide has brought about an increase in the standard of living but on the other hand it has resulted in the abuse of workers in many parts of the world. Corporate social responsibility has enter a new phase in which the responsibility of business have to be clearly defined. According to Andrew chapman and Scott Jerbi there are growing expectation that corporation should do everything their powers to promote universal human rights standards even in conflict situation where governance structure have broken down. War on Want has published research which shows that Bangladeshi workers making clothes for Primark, Tesco and Asda toil up to 80 hours a week and earn as little as half a living wage. http://uk.oneworld.net/article/view 4/04/2010 War on Want senior campaigns officer Simon McRae said: â€Å"British companies continue to commit serious human rights abuses across the world. Yet the governments only response is to come up with voluntary initiatives which companies are free to ignore. When will ministers take real action to hold these companies to account?† For any market place to be effective there has to be ethical behaviour on the part of buyers and sellers. According to Solomon (1996) ethical behaviour on the part of both buyers and sellers is tantamount to the effectiveness of the market place. Regardless of the degree of the competition, the successful functioning of the market place rest on the foundation of mutually agreed- upon rules of conduct and shared interest. For the relationship to remain beneficial to both parties it has to be of value to both of them. Unethical behaviour by either party disrupts the relationship and produces exchanges that are both unproductive and ineffective (Morgan and Hunt, 1994) Journal of business ethics: Sam fullerton, KatShleen B kerch,H Robert Dodge 805-814, 1996 II. Structure of the report The report is a focus on the retail cloth industry in relation to its business ethics. In recent times there has been lots of issue on the way clothing retailers deal with human right. People feel that they are not doing enough to deal with human right abuse globally. The report will draw attention to the challenges faced by labour as result of globalisation and the need for a lasting solution through effective corporate policies and strategies. Firstly, the report will identify and spell out companys responsibilities in the protection of human rights, freedom fromslavery and forced labour, freedom from torture and degrading treatment. Which if not up held by any company will damage its brand image and bring about a loss of confidence by customers. Other chapters will talk on recent discussions on business ethics and how consumers view human right standards as regards consumption of products making use of journals, internet, reports etc. The aim is to bring out the different theories and views by various authors for better understanding. In the second chapter which deals with the literature review it will focus on the various ideas and theories that talks about the need for upholding human right standards in the clothing industry. The different theoretical approaches will be analysed with recent happenings in mind for a much better understanding and also help formulate better business ethics practice in the clothing industry. Case studies, recent findings and current happenings will be dealt with in chapter three with relation to the various theories as regards the cloth industry. The back ground of discussion for the study will be taken from the various findings and the data collected. From the analyses of different publications consumers have different views on the labour law as it relates with goods, pricing, and human rights standards. Using the various theories and principles that underline the argument the impact of business ethics on globalisation will discussed in chapter four. The report will show that human right abuses in poor counties of the world are on the increase in the clothing industry. It will also emphasis the importance of upholding human rights for equitability and safety. The Final chapter will focus on the conclusion and recommendations drawn from analysis of data collected.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Shaken Baby Syndrome: Treatment and Prognosis

Shaken Baby Syndrome: Treatment and Prognosis Ojeni Mardiroui Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction Diagnosis and Treatment Prognosis of SBS Recommendations Conclusion References Shaken Baby Syndrome, it’s Treatment and what is the Prognosis Introduction â€Å"Child abuse† is abroad term that encompasses neglect, sexual or emotional abuse, and physical cruelty. Child abuse is common all over the world. Child abuse can lead to non accidental head injury (NAHI) or Abuse related craniocerebral trauma. These are injurious to the health of children. A number of children die every year due to the NAHI all over the world. In addition to this NAHI and SBS are the most common and frequent cause of death in the children of age between 6 to 12 months. Shaken baby syndrome includes violent shaking of a child, held by torso or extremities. The violent shaking of child causes uncontrolled abrupt head movements which eventually lead to trivial bruising or any trauma. The clinical symptoms of SBS include signs of severe diffuse cerebral trauma that is subdural hemorrhage, encephalopathy and retinal hemorrhage. In addition to this, sometimes rib fractures or several combinations of metaphyseal fractures also occur (Matschke, Herrmann, Sperhake , Kà ¶rber, Bajanowski, and Glatzel, 2009). The shaking baby syndrome is an old legal and medical diagnosis in the infants and adolescents. The SBS is also termed as abusive head trauma (AHT) and constitute same signs and diagnostic symptoms. Both of these traumas can be identified with the help of their symptoms (Squier, 2011). Discussion It is not essential that shaken baby syndrome is only caused by violently shaking the baby, but it can also be caused by hitting the head of baby on the wall or bed or floor surface. In this way, the brain in the skull displaces from its position. With the movement of brain, the blood vessels of the brain got damaged and bleeding occurs inside the skull, leading to irreparable damage or injury. Other problems that are associated with brain injury are blindness, cerebral palsy, learning and behavior problems, hearing loss, paralysis, seizures, or death. It is also evident that no symptoms are shown on the body of the baby after shaking the baby, however, sometimes bones are broken or bruising may occur (Squier, 2011). Diagnosis and Treatment Since in case of shaken baby syndrome, the victim is not able to identify the abuse or cannot talk about the pain and suffering, so it is difficult to diagnose and treat the shaken baby syndrome. Generally, the parents or caretaker of the victimized baby refute any type of abuse, or they may have not seen it, therefore it is difficult to correlate the findings with the history of the SBS (Findley, Barnes, Moran, and Squier, 2011). It is not guaranteed that the course of treatment would confirm or disapprove shaken baby syndrome. It is not necessary that a particular treatment or medication can treat the injury caused by SBS. Therefore, the SBS is not diagnosed easily; however, it can be taken as a legal conclusion. On the other hand, it is easy for the physicians to diagnose encephalopathy, retinal hemorrhage and subdural hemorrhage from eye examinations and radiology images (Findley, Barnes, Moran, and Squier, 2011). It is also evident that the infants are soft and delicate and even a small injury can pose a threatening effect on their future lives. They are also more tolerant of increased intracranial pressure. A common cause of delay in the diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome is that the assessment of signs and symptoms of SBS in infants are not easy. This is because of the reason that the infants are in their developmental stage. Commonly, the Glasgow Coma Scale is used to measure the level of impairment in the children by the shaken baby syndrome. This scale is not reliable enough and the results obtained from this scale are doubtful. The diagnosis of SBS is difficult; however, following conditions prevailing in a child can lead the healthcare professionals towards the diagnosis of SBS. If a child is presenting an unbelievable signs and symptoms consistently If a new adult partner is present at home If the parents or care taker show least interest in seeking medical treatment for the child If there is a delay in acquiring medical treatment If there is any previous record of child abuse If at the time of injury, no primary caregiver was present Along with the above mentioned symptoms, there are also some factors that are proved to be helpful for the healthcare professionals; they include cardiovascular collapse or mysterious shock, and inexplicable changes in neurologic status. After physically examining the affected child and after taking the history, there are some diagnostic tests that help to confirm the prevalence of SBS in child. These tests include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ophthalmologic exam, computed tomography (CT) scan, and x-rays. If the healthcare professional notices no evidence of increased intracranial pressure and if a subarachnoid hemorrhage is assumed, then a lumbar puncture is performed by the healthcare professional to confirm the diagnosis of SBS (Squier, 2011). Prognosis of SBS The infants who suffered from SBS, their prognosis is worse as compare to those infants who experience accidental head trauma. Depending upon the severity of the signs and symptoms presented by the victim, the treatmnet plan of SBS is finalized. The treatmnet plan may encompass life sustaining or emergency measures as per requiremnet and prevailing condition of the affected child. In some of the cases brain surgery is recommended for the affected children, for relieving the intracranial pressure and along with this, respiratory support is also needed. There rae some children who need a short term treatment procedures, and some children who are badly affceted by the abuse, may need a long term treatmnet plan for coping up with the condition. The treatmnet plan may include occupational and physical therapy, special education and speech therapy. One third of the survivors of SBS may experience adverse conditions and disabilities, like lack of ability to walk, sit, or breathe. Most of the survivors undergo a vegetative state, and become nonresponsive throughout their lives. However, some survivors suffer from behavioral and learning problems, seizures, blindness, and other disabilities in their upcoming future (Matschke, Herrmann, Sperhake, Kà ¶rber, Bajanowski, and Glatzel, 2009). Recommendations Education is the best practice that can lead to prevention of shaken baby syndrome. The most significant intervention that nurses can take is the provision of education to the parent/caregiver, instead of assisting in life saving measures. Therefore the prime responsibility of nurses is to educate the masses so that such syndromes can be avoided. On the other hand, parents should be educated about the effective measures that can be taken to prevent SBS. Despite the fact that the newborn babies cry a lot, however, the behavior of the parents should calm and cool towards their new born child. If the baby continuously cries, then the parents should make sure that any signs of illness are prevailing or not, or make sure if the child is hungry and needs to be burped. If parents suspect any sort of injury or illness in the young children, they should immediately consult a doctor (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, 2012). The parents should realize that it is not the fault of baby neither parents, if the baby continuously cries or if the parents are unable to calm their babies. All the normal and healthy babies cry a lot after their birth and till they become mature. The National Center for Shaken Baby Syndrome (NCSBS) has recommended the use of a special technique called, PURPLE. It stands for; Peak Pattern: for about two months the crying increases then it gradually decreases Unpredictable: a child may cry for long period of time without any reason Resistant to Soothing: child may cry for an indefinite period Pain-like Look on Face: a child may have expressions like he/she is having pain Long Bouts of Crying: a child can cry for hours Evening Crying: a child becomes active at evening and night and keeps on crying (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, 2012). Conclusion Shaken baby syndrome is a devastating intentional injury that can lead to adverse health outcomes of a child. In Shaken baby syndrome, an injury occurs when a child is violently moved or shakes. The violent shaking of child ultimately leads to trivial bruising or any brain injury that can be fatal for the child. The diagnosis of SBS is complicated and requires proper medical history. Prevention of the syndrome is the most effective step to avoid the condition. All the babies cry in their early childhood, so the parents should be calm and treat their children accordingly. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2012). A journalist’s guide to Shaken Baby Syndrome: a preventable tragedy, retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/pdf/sbs_media_guide_508_optimized-a.pdf Findley, K. A., Barnes, P. D., Moran, D. A., Squier, W. (2011). Shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and actual innocence: getting it right. Hous. J. Health L. Poly, 12, 209, retrieved from http://www.law.uh.edu/hjhlp/Issues/Vol_122/Barnes.pdf Kelly, R. H., Bravos, Z. M. (2009). A critical look at the shaken baby syndrome. ILL. BAR J., 97, 200, retrieved from http://www.lawbravos.com/PDFs/shaken_baby.pdf Matschke, J., Herrmann, B., Sperhake, J., Kà ¶rber, F., Bajanowski, T., Glatzel, M. (2009). Shaken baby syndrome. Dtsch. Arztebl. Int, 106, 211-217, retrieved from http://www.aerzteblatt.de/pdf/DI/106/13/m211.pdf Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/headsup/sbs.html Squier, W. (2011). The â€Å"Shaken Baby† syndrome: pathology and mechanisms. Actaneuropathologica, 122(5), 519-542, retrieved from http://www.wisspd.org/htm/ATPracGuides/Training/ProgMaterials/Conf2011/ShakenBabyCases/18.pdf Stewart, T. C., Polgar, D., Gilliland, J., Tanner, D. A., Girotti, M. J., Parry, N., Fraser, D. D. (2011). Shaken baby syndrome and a triple-dose strategy for its prevention. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 71(6), 1801-1807, retrieved from http://journals.lww.com/jtrauma/Abstract/2011/12000/Shaken_Baby_Syndrome_and_a_Triple_Dose_Strategy.54.aspx

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

Losing weight requires a gradual approach and maintainable lifestyle changes. Although metabolism slows down with age, it's not impossible to lose weight after the age of 50. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do the trick. The latter stimulates muscle tissue, giving your metabolism that much-needed boost so you burn calories and lose weight. You'll look and feel better, and reduce your risk of age-related health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. (See References 1) Create a Caloric Deficit When you're over the age of 50, a daily deficit of 500 calories is sufficient to lose weight at a rate of 1 pound a week without sacrificing essential nutrients. (See References 2) This deficit can come from calories burned through exercise, or from calories reduced from food. Depending on your physical activity level, Helpguide.org recommends that older females generally consume anywhere from 1,200 to 1600 calories a day, and older males consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day. The more active your are, the more calories you can consume. (See References 3) Eat Healthy Foods In addition to helping you lose weight, a sensible diet keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp. Avoid skipping meals, and eat smaller portions consisting of the basic food groups; include complex carbs and fiber from veggies, fruits, and whole grains; consume protein from sources, such as fish, beans, and nuts; and consume low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, to get the daily needed 1,200 mg of calcium. (See References 3) Salt, sugar, and simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice, should be limited. Also, consider taking a multivitamin or eating fortified foods to get vitamin B and vitamin D. (See Refere... ... you can't do another repetition with good form after finishing a set. (See References 5) Key Concepts senior weight loss reducing body weight healthy weight loss References Helpguide.org: Exercise and Fitness Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_fitness_sports.htm] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition for Older Adults: Diet and Health Guidelines For Weight Loss [http://fcs.okstate.edu/documents/nutrition/T-3200%20Large%20Print%20Weight%20Management.pdf] Helpguide.org: Eating Well Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_nutrition.htm] Weight-Control Information Network: Young at Heart [http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/young_heart.htm] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Growing Stronger: Strenghth Training for Older Adults [http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.pdf] Essay -- Losing weight requires a gradual approach and maintainable lifestyle changes. Although metabolism slows down with age, it's not impossible to lose weight after the age of 50. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do the trick. The latter stimulates muscle tissue, giving your metabolism that much-needed boost so you burn calories and lose weight. You'll look and feel better, and reduce your risk of age-related health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. (See References 1) Create a Caloric Deficit When you're over the age of 50, a daily deficit of 500 calories is sufficient to lose weight at a rate of 1 pound a week without sacrificing essential nutrients. (See References 2) This deficit can come from calories burned through exercise, or from calories reduced from food. Depending on your physical activity level, Helpguide.org recommends that older females generally consume anywhere from 1,200 to 1600 calories a day, and older males consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day. The more active your are, the more calories you can consume. (See References 3) Eat Healthy Foods In addition to helping you lose weight, a sensible diet keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp. Avoid skipping meals, and eat smaller portions consisting of the basic food groups; include complex carbs and fiber from veggies, fruits, and whole grains; consume protein from sources, such as fish, beans, and nuts; and consume low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, to get the daily needed 1,200 mg of calcium. (See References 3) Salt, sugar, and simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice, should be limited. Also, consider taking a multivitamin or eating fortified foods to get vitamin B and vitamin D. (See Refere... ... you can't do another repetition with good form after finishing a set. (See References 5) Key Concepts senior weight loss reducing body weight healthy weight loss References Helpguide.org: Exercise and Fitness Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_fitness_sports.htm] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition for Older Adults: Diet and Health Guidelines For Weight Loss [http://fcs.okstate.edu/documents/nutrition/T-3200%20Large%20Print%20Weight%20Management.pdf] Helpguide.org: Eating Well Over 50 [http://www.helpguide.org/life/senior_nutrition.htm] Weight-Control Information Network: Young at Heart [http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/young_heart.htm] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Growing Stronger: Strenghth Training for Older Adults [http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.pdf]

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Energy Bars: Balance Bar Versus Power Bar :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Balance Bar and Power Bar are two energy bars currently on the market. These two bars, despite their largely different carbohydrate, fat and protein contents, performed remarkably similarly in insulin level tests conducted by Steven Hertzler and Yeonsoo Kim of Ohio State University. Post meal studies have found that test subjects who consumed the Balance Bar exhibited a similar pattern of insulin level increase over time as subjects who consumed the Power Bar did. These test results go contrary to expectations.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Power Bar and Balance Bar, due to their relatively different purposes, are quite different in nutritional content. Because of the Power Bar’s focus on supplying quick energy to athletes, it contains a large amount of easily absorbable carbohydrates and very little protein or fat, which take much longer to digest. The Balance Bar, on the other hand, attempts to maintain a 40:30:30 ratio of carbohydrates to fats to proteins. This ratio of nutrients is set in order to adhere to the Zone theory of weight loss. Side by side, the differences are clear. Of the 60 grams in a Power Bar, 38.8 grams (about 65 percent) were composed of carbohydrates, a large contrast to the 26.4 grams (about 44 percent) of carbohydrates present in a similar 60 gram Balance Bar. In addition, while the Power bar has only 9.2 grams of protein, the Balance Bar has nearly double that amount, containing a much higher 16.8 grams. Fat content follows this same trend, with the Power Bar’s 2.3 grams almost tripled by the Balance Bar’s 7.3 grams.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Because of the nutritional findings, scientists expected the post-prandial (after a meal) levels of insulin to appear quite different from each other. Because insulin levels have often been found in correlation to carbohydrate levels, researchers were expecting to find such a difference in their insulin concentration results. In addition, because the body can convert carbohydrates into energy more readily, a subject who consumed a Power Bar would be expected to have an insulin increase and eventual decrease much faster than a subject who consumed a Balance Bar would.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While the two energy bars have very different compositions, laboratory tests appear to show very little difference in their effects on insulin production. In a 120-minute analysis of insulin levels after 15-minute intervals, both bars revealed a common trend. 15 minutes after consumption of the bars, both Power Bar and Balance Bar test subjects had approximately

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Another Man’s Poison and New Broom Sweeps

Better late than never. No discord, no concord. Love me, love my dog. A hedge between keeps friendship green. Good wine needs no bush. A wise goose never lays a tame egg. Money makes the mare go. Man proposes, God disposes. More haste, less speed. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Easier said than done. Grasp all, lose all. Action speaks louder than words. Waste not, want not. Talk of the devil and he comes. Let sleeping dogs lie. Nothing venture, nothing have. First come, first served. East and west, home is best. Home is home, be it ever so homely.Home is where the heart is. Strike when the iron is hot . The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Where there's a will, there's a way. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Where there is life, there is hope. ‘ He who has health has hope. A burnt child dreads fire. A friend in need is a friend indeed. As you sow, so you shall reap. Barking dogs seldom bite. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Birds of a feather flo ck together. Call a spade a spade . Every cloud has a silver lining. All that glitters is not gold. Every dog has its day. God helps those who help themselves. Great minds think alike.He laughs best who laughs last. Never do things by halves . Still waters run deep. Jack of all trades and master of none. Look before you leap. Honesty is the best policy. One man's meat is another man's poison. Once bitten twice shy. Like father, like son, like mother, like daughter . Practice makes perfect . Rome was not built in a day. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. It takes two to make a quarrel. Time and tide wait for no one. To err is human, to forgive divine. What's done can't be undone. Two heads are better than one. When in Rome do as the Romans do. A new broom sweeps clean. To put the cart before the horseThe sky is the limit. A watched pot never boils. Two's company, three's a crowd. One swallow doesn't make a summer. You cant have your cake and eat it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Teac h an old dog new tricks. That's where the shoe pinches. The truth will out. Soon learnt, soon forgotten. Live and let live. All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. Beauty is but skin-deep. Seeing is believing, All is well that ends well. Beggars can't be choosers. Let bygones be bygones. Better safe than sorry. No news is good news. Well begun, half done. A clear conscience is a soft pillow. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.A little spark kindles a great fire. It never rains but pours. Do as you would be done by. All men cannot be first. A man can die but once. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. A man is known by the company he keeps. A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink. An idle youth, a needy age. Apparel makes the man. Clothes make the man. A smart coat is a good letter of introduction. Business is business. Can the leopard change his spots? Count not your chickens before they are hatched. Dont trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. Every man has a fool in his sleeve. Might is right. epare for a rainy day. scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Early bird catches the worm. Walls have ears. Great talkers are little doers. A penny saved is a penny gained. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Charity begins at home. Give the devil his due, When the cat is away the mice will play. Life is Just a bowl of cherries. A thing of beauty is a Joy forever. Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. ‘In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends. Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. A man is as old as he feels. Custom makes all things

Country Lovers Essay

A story of forbidden love on a South African farm, one child nothing more than a farm worker, as the other one prepares for boarding school. Both ignorant to the color of their skins, all they knew they were best friends playing together until they grew up and then it was not allowed. But when Paulus turns fifteen and goes to school things start to change he begins to realize the difference between boys and girls, and then the consequences behind his actions, but then it’s too late to turn back. What drew me into this story was the title country lovers, and then the forbidden love on a South African farm I wanted to see what it was about, curios to know if it was about two people of different races falling in love, creating racial relationships in a place that forbid it. And that was exactly what it was, two kids playing together as kids, a boy white and girl black, everyday playing on his father’s farm. What I couldn’t understand was why they were able to play as kids but not be able to socialize when they got older. If it was because of racial boundaries, why not keep them apart even when they are kids, then it wouldn’t be so confusing. The literary term and concept that best describes they way I am feeling about this would be Imagination because it expresses how the author was feeling about racial differences and allows the reader to feel what the author is writing about. I am using the Reader – Response approach to analyze my story because it asks you to connect with the literature, and find a personal link or imaginative entry into a story. And that is what this author makes you do. While reading this story I had a lot of different emotions like why did he change when he went to school, but when he came home he was with thebedi. Even though he met people at school whose family’s was prosperous famer’s? He still was bringing gifts to thebedi, she making gifts for him and both lying about where they came from and why. They had been sneaking around for months, so when she was eighteen and the farmer’s son was nineteen he left for veterinary college, Njabulo’s parents asked Thebedi’s parents to marry their son and they agreed on it, not telling Paulus or Njabulo that she might be pregnant. When the baby was born looked nothing like Njabulo, but he still was going to take care of her as if she was his own. This would be Satire because he should feel anger but instead he is willing to take care of her. My thinking didn’t change because in that time that’s what happens when two different races mix and have children, I just thank god it’s not like that now to the extreme it was then. Because I love people for who they are not because of where they come from. Because of the author’s background growing up in South Africa I can understand why she feels this way, they have different traditions and beliefs. This was a very good story; I enjoyed reading it and feeling what they were going through.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hearts and Minds Essay

Movies and documentaries have a way of touching the lives of many. For the most part, they are geared towards the exhibition of truths that are hidden from other people. The documentary, â€Å"Hearts and Minds†, mirrored the numerous difficulties experienced by the Vietnamese in the hands of the American soldiers. The harsh realities shown by the American soldiers towards the Vietnamese was quite difficult to believe, for we all know how the Americans would care for any other individual. Directed by Peter Davis, the documentary showed different clips that prove the harsh attitude towards people at that time. Even the speech of former President Lyndon Johnson was shown in the said documentary. To give people a great feel of the said timeline, much of the most famous details during that particular time were shown. The type of music, clothes, and even some old archives were shown. In this manner, it would become easier for the audiences to understand what was being explained to them. I admire the montage feeling provided by the documentary. Together with the voice over, watching the documentary was like watching any other historical how. However, what sets it apart from the rest were the heartbreaking realities exhibited. I could not help but wonder as to how people were treated unfairly and how other people could bear causing pain to others. One of the scenes that caught my attention was the funeral of a soldier. Surrounding the coffin were grieving people, including the family and friends. However, for some reason, one grieving lady was stopped from following the coffin being laid to rest. This particular scene was contrasted with a clip showing the interview of the general who led the Vietnam War. Furthermore, there were several other interviews included in the documentary. Although I am not of Vietnamese, origin I was heartbroken by the difficulties experienced at that time. For the longest time, they experienced pain, both physical and emotional, while they struggled to raise their families accordingly. A particular scene exemplified the hardships endured by the Vietnamese during that particular time. The scene showed how the prisoners of the war were sitting restless and not paying attention to what their employer had in mind. I felt pity with the condition these people experienced, toppled by the excessive torture and inhumane humiliations provided by the American soldiers. After watching the documentary, one could not help but question what has been taught in class during our younger days. I was surprised at how the outcome of this war has been, including the participation that the American soldiers portrayed. However, due to the extensive information provided, some critics may also form their own conclusion as to how the said war was used as propaganda. On the other hand, it would be expected that some people would opt to be biased towards the Vietnamese and consider them to be victims of the American occupation. Regardless of everything that has been said, I believe that we all have our own perceptions towards things. Personally, I believe that the goal of this film was to show the other side of history that not everyone was aware of. In this manner, I would be able to form my own beliefs as to how people would be able to learn from these hurtful experiences. It is useless for us to keep on living in the past—we should all move forward in helping make a different in this lifetime. I must say that I recommend this film to everyone, especially those who are currently studying about the history of the United States.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Advantages of mobile phone Essay

Imagine waking up one morning and noticing your smartphone is missing. Really missing, not just buried under your blankets or abandoned in a coat pocket. Now imagine that happened to every single smartphone user. One of the most common criticisms about 21st century society is our dependence on technology, particularly smartphones. It’s no secret many of us rely a teensy bit too much on our mobile devices and, perhaps as a result, we’re abandoning some real world know-how in favor of convenience. Here we consider what most of us would essentially have to relearn without access to smartphones. Unlike the traditional cell phones, smartphones put the Internet in your pocket so you will be able to surf the Internet at any time on your phone. For instance, with your smartphone, you are able to search recipe websites and locate new recipes to cook. The phone also offers news websites and weather updates if you need to check the weather before you head out for the day .In addition, when you are on the bus heading back home, having a slap-up meal in your favourite restaurant, or on a weekend trip away; regardless, you’re never more than a few minutes from getting in touch with your nearest and dearest. Instant access to your emails and social media like Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare means that you know what all your friends are doing, where they are, and what they think about anything from news to music to sport, right now. You can Facebook chat with your brothers who are overseas, or tweet at your best mate to say how much you’re looking forward to seeing them later; near or far, smartphones have made keeping in touch a real doddle. On the other hand, smartphones have many tools such as digital cameras, clocks , GPS navigation system, torch light and so forth. These tools will definitely help us in our daily life. Smartphones have combined everything we need to organise our lives into a single handheld device. We can set an alarm for the morning or a reminder about a doctor’s appointment, snapping a quick photo of a film poster to look at later, we can store ideas, memories and feelings within seconds. Besides, when we use the phone’s GPS system, we won’t have to worry about getting lost on the road or having trouble driving in a city that we are not familiar with at night. we can also download game apps to relax ourselves Smartphones also benefit in education system. Some lecturers use to record their lectures and create it where students can upload teachers’ lectures. Students who have smartphones can research various websites for research purposes easily. Teachers can use smartphones for file sharing, especially if they have the Dropbox app. This app is great for distributing information. Teachers can tell their students to make Dropbox accounts and create class-shared folders so that students can just submit their essays and projects from their computers or smartphones. Dropbox can save teachers time and paper.Moreover, we can use our smartphone to do our homeworks and assignments to find some information. By using our smart phones to find information is much faster than using a computer or a laptop. We don’t need to turn the computer on and off and we don’t have to connect to the Internet line for using the Internet. Many students also tend to use the dictionary in their smart phones. So, they will learn more and more words in a day.They will also learn the pronounciation of unfimiliar words .This will definitely improve their grammar and writing skills. To conclude, smartphones are an technological invention to follow the evolution of the society. Today, it is impossible not to think of using smartphones in everyday life. They became really important and essential as they are used for work or for private life. Smartphone brings many convenience in our livesFinally, the NSA affair showed that governments keep people under surveillance. More than the fact that this is a international issue between the United States and other countries, people can reflect on this and tell to themselves that using a smartphone can allow a governments to keep an eye on the society.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Miracles provide great hope for a hurting world Essay

Miracles can provide great hope for a hurting world because they can be a last resort when all else fails. If someone has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and doctors have given up on them, the hope for a miracle can be the only thing that keeps them from total despair. When nature seems insufferably cruel, believing that God can overcome nature is infinitely reassuring. Miracles also reaffirm the believer’s faith, thus providing hope. Miracles by their very nature are sign that reveal God’s great nature. For example, the Bible records that when Jesus was crucified a great darkness covered the land. This miracle has been historically verified by contemporary middle-Eastern historians Thallus and Africanus. Miracles such as this can be used to convert people to God and give them a sense that he cares for them, thus providing hope. Theologians such as Dr Michael Brown assert that miracles are proof of God’s continued presence in this world through the Holy Spirit, and if we pray earnestly we may be able to experience a miracle. Jesus himself said, â€Å"ask and it shall be given unto you. † Finally, miracles point to an eternal hope beyond this world. They suggest that this world is not all there is; there is another much greater world that we catch glimpses of through miracles. The miracle central to Christianity – Christ’s resurrection – can give a hurting person hope. Christ said that, â€Å"In my father’s house there are many rooms, I will go to prepare a place for you. † Even if they are not healed in this world, the miracle of the crucifixion gives them the hope that they can experience heaven. On the other hand, miracles may not provide hope and happiness because they are so sporadic and seemingly random. Wiles said that miracles were the work of, â€Å"a capricious and arbitrary God. † By this he was referring to the fact that God heals some and not others. Why doesn’t God heal all sick children, instead of a select few? This calls God’s traits into question. If he was omnibenevolent he would want to heal everyone, and if he was omnipotent he would have the power to do so. But he doesn’t, so this calls his very existence into question. Therefore miracles do not provide hope. Dawkins also disagrees with the premise that miracles could provide hope. He claimed that miracles were simply events that fell towards the end of the probability spectrum, and if they do occur they are immense luck. He believes that there is no point in raising people’s hopes for an event that statistically will never occur to them. Many believers, particularly more conservative ones, would believe that miracles and wonders have mostly ceased in our time and what the hurting world really needs for hope is faith. Scholars such as Dr James White believe that modern churches that place far too much emphasis on needing miracles for hope are pushing people away from true, saving faith in Christ. Jesus himself chastised the people for only wanting to see signs and wonders rather than having true faith. Furthermore, miracles are not what is needed to provide hope for a hurting world. Science is. Instead of wasting time praying for individual healings, we should pour out time and energy into discovering cures and vaccines instead. Atheists such as Hawking use smallpox as an example. The human race was able to eradicate this disease through effort, intelligence and science. There was no need for divine intervention to cause hope. Overall, even if miracles are not real, what is wrong with giving desperate people a bit of hope? Nearly all nations have their own accounts of miracles which bring their people hope, it is unlikely they are all wrong.