
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Changing the Drinking Age to 18 Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essa

Young teens all get a bad rep when it comes to drink alcohol. Especially college students that are considered binge drinkers. When in frankness a nation wide survey of students at 168 colleges and universitys found both(prenominal) interesting things about the netherage corrupt youth. 93% of all students conduct never received a lower grade in a class because of swallow too much. 98% of all college students say that they impart never gotten into trouble from an administrator from excessive drinking. While the media continually gives the under twenty one community a bad rep, in reality they are continually practicing safe drinking habits and in some cases not drinking at all. According to the National Institute on drug Abuse by the Institute for Social Research of the University of Michigan, the proportion of non-drinkers in the U.S. just reached a record breaking all time high. The luff is that college students drink less than what most people think and are in reality prudent drinkers. So what can be done to switch the drinking law to xviii again? These underage students continually provoke the law and show that they can handle the responsibility. It is silly to overlook this and keep on a blind law such as the current drinking law. The first step into taking this law and changing it back to eighteen is to break down at home and inform the children at a materialization age the harms and hazards of alcohol. It is not something to take lightly and it can lead to many another(prenominal) life long problems. However I feel if this is taught at an previous(predicate) age and drinking is looked at as a privileged kinda than a right it lead be abused and rather something that provide not be taking for granted. This leave alone crop drinking in small portions more commonplace and drinking in an excessive look a rarity. Drinking would no longer be a monstrous deal. Young children start off learning the dangers of drinking and would even tually start drinking at family events like they do in other extraneous countries. These countries do this and do not have a major drinking problem in their society. By the time these children get to the age of 18 it will be legal to purchase and legally drink and it will not be a Brobdingnagian deal because they have been taught responsible drinking from the start. This is an obvious start to fixing and changing this law, however it would be difficult to change the social and family traditions of A... ... that it is morally wrong to let eighteen grade olds to drink legally. They would also argue that more and more deaths would perish due to this law being changed. When in reality if you follow these steps, train young children at a young age to drink fair and responsibly, add more harsher penalties to the drinking and campaign laws and guard defensive driving courses mandatory to graduate in high school, and to finally make a permit for under twenty one drinkers as a trial to see exactly how it affects the society. All in all the age of eighteen is thought to be old enough to make such big decisions as getting married and joining the army to defend the country. It would at least show that this country has confidence in the eighteen year olds to be responsible with this new law and to not abuse the power. It would make a uniform legal age. This simplicity in itself will make checking I.D.s less of a problem. This law needs to be changed and everyone knows it. This is a reasonable proposal to try something that has never been tried onward and I think that the lawmakers are scared that it would work and it would just make them look foolish for not thinking of it on their own.

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