
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Safety and Effectiveness of the Atkins Diet :: Health Nutrition Diet Exercise Essays

Whenever someone is deciding on what provender to go on, they rec each(prenominal) whether it will keep the weight off in the end and what the pros and cons atomic number 18 comp ard to other diets. Atkins has been a growing trend in weight upset ever since Dr. Atkins came out with his best selling book Dr. Atkins New feed Revolution. Through the examination of three different studies, look forers were able to determine whether the Atkins diet will keep weight off compared to calorie and flump cut diets, as well as how this diet works. Although, further longitudinal research must be done in order to see the truthful repercussions of going on a low-carbohydrate diet, researchers can conclude that in the end, take a low fat diet and exercising are the merely true answers to losing weight. The Atkins diet is for quite a little who are over the low fat diet and exercising. The Atkins diet means restricting a persons caloric intake to 5-10% from carbohydrates in their daily di et. Which is a vast reduction of carbohydrates compared to other diets that usually allow up to 40-45% of calories from foods like fruits and vegetables? The Atkins diet is no longer just a fad, it has really caught on worldwide, almost 20 million people now follow Dr. Atkins diet. The Atkins diet also consumes to be a three in one diet, it not only allows people to abide weight, it also claims to keep the weight off without the feeling of hunger, and in the end it claims to help prevent disease. Through further review of previous studies, researchers are trying to explore whether or not this is possible, as well as how the Atkins diet really works. The Atkins diet claims that the way it works is by increase the amount of energy being utilize causing people to lose weight. This diet also claims to increase the amount of energy being used by 2-3% more everyday. Further review of the studies on Atkins found that this increase amount of energy being used only makes a scurvy diffe rence in the total amount of weight lost. Researchers claim that later on reviewing all the studies that it might actually be the fact that the Atkins diet restricts so much of what you can eat that makes a person lose all that weight. The strict restrictions to what a person can and cannot eat are what researchers claim causes the

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