
Monday, March 11, 2019

Btec Sport National Extended Diploma Level 3

let out Jean-Pierre Nsinga Date 1 September 2012 IVD Name Jean-Pierre Nsinga Date 1 September 2012 IVD BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED lambskin IN SPORT (Development, Coaching & Fitness) ASSIGNMENT BRIEF bookman NameJean-Pierre Nsinga inform Name Lizzie Farquhar Unit SevenFitness Testing for divert & object lesson Launch Date 10 September 2012Hand In Date 22 October 2012 Criteria CoveredLO1,3,4 P1,5,6 M1,3,4 D2 - -ASSIGNMENT TITLE Fitness Testing No 1/2 - ASSIGNMENT SCENARIO As a Personal flight simulator at Farquhar Health Club, one of your main roles and responsibilities is to conduct fitness assessments with clients and append feed bottom. - To PASS this assignment, breeze through the pursual tasks - - Task One You win stupefy part in different fitness shews for flexibility, trength, aerobic selection, speed, power, muscular endurance and body composition to enable you to - Describe ONE test for separately component of physical fitness. Include advantages & disadvantag es (e. g. cost, time, equipment, facility requirements, skill direct of person carrying out test, issues with test hardiness, and issues with test reliability). - Present this as an A4 selective information booklet. -PASS1 - Task Two Select SIX different fitness tests for a selected psyche suitable to their fitness activities. Safely administer these tests whilst being assessed by your tutor, include photographic cause. The assessment will include observed evidence of correct pre-test procedures, correct sequencing of tests, and adherence of health & safety procedures, exit of tests if required, and accurate recording of results - PASS5 Task Three Give feedback to a selected individual, following fitness testing, describing the test results and interpreting their levels of fitness against normative info (e. g. existence norms, accepted health ranges, norms for sports). Present this information in the form of an individual client information booklet. - PASS6 - To progress to higher grades see next rapscallion - To progress to MERIT grade for this assignment complete the following - - pardon the advantages and disadvantages of ONE fitness test for EACH component of physical fitness. You essential consider factors related to test validity and reliability and how these factors could affect information results. Provide reasons and/or evidence clearly supporting this. Draw on examples from personal experiences or observations. MERIT1 - Justify the selection of fitness tests commenting on suitability, reliability, validity and practicality. Why were they most suitable for your client? In your selection of tests, did you homecoming into account their goals, needs and general level of fitness? Give reasons or evidence to support your views and how you arrived at these conclusions. - MERIT3 -Compare the fitness test results to normative data and identify strengths and areas for improvement - MERIT4 - - To progress to DISTINCTION grade for this assignm ent complete the following - - Analyse the fitness test results and provide recommendations for allow for rising activities or training.You must look beyond basic facts and make appropriate comments. Recommendations must include frequency, intensity, time and type of activity that the individual should homecoming part in to facilitate improvements for each component. - DISTINCTION 2 - - - - - - - enjoy HAND THIS BRIEF IN WITH YOUR ASSIGNMENT AS A meridian SHEET Followed by your front page Student Name Jean-Pierre Nsinga ID 1205079 Tutor Alysia Bastock Unit SevenFitness Testing for Sport & Exercise Launch Date 10 September 2012Hand In Date 22 October 2012 Intro In this assignment I will be talking about different fitness test, to check their reliability and validity, their advantages and disadvantages.Furthermore I will choose fitness test for a client for them to perform and provide suitable feedbacks on their performance. Task. 1 Flexibility, test Sit And Reach This test is made to test an athletes flexibility, (in particular their lower back and hamstrings) This test demands A flat surface for the athlete to sit devour in the correct position, A box (preferably the main sit and discover box with all the measurements on the box, to have a better optic on the athletes result), a ruler for the athlete to fight back to perform the test and an assistant to record the results.

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